All right, let's get to it. Why are we here? I tend to write tonnes of e-mails with absolutely no real direction. This blog has gotta keep people interested, for you and me both.
A few months ago, I was hanging out with a friend. Let's call her Rebecca. De Mornay. Right. We got to talking about movies we've watched recently. I get in such a funk with watching the same movies all the time, that I forget there's new stuff out there.
So, Rebecca De Mornay asks me if I had ever seen the movie "Julie & Julia". I had seen commercials about the flick and promptly replied, "No". I'm all about chick flicks to be honest, but give me "Dude, Where's My Car?" any day of the week.
But, I tried to keep an open mind about it all. I actually found a copy of the movie while overseas. The movie must be so good that it immediately went to DVD. I had made one request when I gave it to her. That we watch it together. At least I could get dinner out of it.
To make a long movie (uh, I mean, story) short it's about two separate stories of people who take on extracurricular activities that eventually lead to success. Julia Childs is stuck in France, starts cooking, writes a book about it. Julie, some 50+ years later is an unhappy person living in Queens (boy, can I relate) who works at a call center for distressed World Trade Center mourners, decides to write a blog about cooking everything in Julia Child's book. Voila, super Hollywood blockbuster hit. Both happen to catch the interest of many followers, with fame and fortune coming their way.
After the movie was done, I was drilled with questions by Rebecca (De Mornay) of what I thought of the movie. Secretly, I thought this might have been the edited version. Perhaps they left out the part where Julia Child was kidnapped by the Nazis, and through cunning detective work, Julie uncovers the secret truth that she was in fact a spy. But no, this was just a nice story where two people struggled to find their niche and found happiness though their struggles. I told Rebecca DeMornay that "the movie...was...nice". Surely I can't get in trouble for THAT, right?
Suddenly, the idea struck. Rebecca DeMornay (did I mention I thought this code name is friggin' hilarious?) said:
"Why don't you write a blog?"
She suggested, along the same lines of the movie, that I write a blog about busking in every subway stop in New York City. I looked it up, there are 468 stations in the 5 boroughs. I actually tried to play in one of them once with a friend. The subway traffic was so loud, I almost killed myself trying to be heard over screeching subway brakes. I didn't think that was gonna fly.
However, the idea wasn't completely dead. I did have in mind to possibly play somewhere. I thought possibly changing the idea to playing in every outdoor park in New York City. I looked that up too. There are nearly SEVENTEEN HUNDRED parks in the city. I don't have the attention span to pull that off.
After brainstorming some more, the plan was narrowed down to Central Park. It's pretty scenic in the summer time. Beautiful sections of the park when it's maintained. Built in acoustics. I bounced the idea off some of my more hard to please friends and family. They actually thought it was a good idea.
I realized that this couldn't just be any regular busking job. It's gotta have a shtick to it. Something unique. As the hours, the days, and months went by the idea kept forming and forming. The fact that I had thought hours, days and months about meant I couldn't just give up easily. I was too far into it. After 10 years in New York City, I knew I had to do something finally on my own. I think this idea is it. Stay tuned, the ideas will about to be shared!